Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Leigh's Blankies begins a Care Project in Kenya!!

As many of you know, this last July, I led a team of 20 volunteers to Huruma Children's Home in Kenya. Mama Zipporah, the director and mother to all 200 children at Huruma invited us to set up a sustainable sewing program at Huruma last year. This year we had the opportunity of teaching 40 students the skill of sewing versus the 15 we taught last year. Among the students this year, were 20 seniors that will be graduating from Huruma's high school in November. We got to know them very well and developed a close relationship with them. The concept of them aging out of the orphanage really impacted me. They have lived with 200 brothers and sisters their whole life and own next to nothing. Instantly I felt a pull to do something to support them.

The day before we left for the US, I had the opportunity of visiting the home of a student that graduated last year. She lives in a tin shack all by herself. She had a Leigh's Blankie as her tablecloth, one as her sofa cover and another as a blanket on her bed.  (Yep, that moved me.) I asked her what it was like to transition to life on her own. She said it was lonely and very difficult. Even though Mama had provided her with $40 when she graduated, it was not enough. Her monthly rent alone is $20. Mama Zipporah loves her kids immensely, but she is limited on resources to provide for them beyond the doors of Huruma.

God began to open my heart and mind to what we could do for them. Huruma began 25 years ago, those little ones that began there are now getting older and the groups of graduates are getting larger. 

So with that said, Leigh's Blankies is beginning a Care Project for the Transition Students at Huruma. We want to provide each student with a housing kit.  It will provide them with first month's rent, food/clothing, bed/mattress, a propane stove, a garden and some other supplies. We need to fund raise at least $300 for each student to have a housing kit. Would you consider a donation of $300? Or perhaps sharing a part of this amount with other friends, coworkers, small group/community members, etc.? All tax-deductible donations for this project can be made at

On November 15th, I will lead another team back to Kenya. While we are there, we will help each ‘transition student” or graduate set up their home and provide them with the supplies they need. We will teach them budgeting skills and set up bank accounts for them. We will lead other life skills classes like managing their home and gardening.  We'd also like to connect them with you by email or Facebook! Our desire is to show them God’s love during this life transition and set them up for success in their future lives and education!  Mama Zipporah is thrilled with this Care Project. Her response to our program was, “Praise Jesus. I love you. Permission Granted.” I just love that lady!

I truly believe God has orchestrated this and now we are anxious to see how he provides!!  If you would like to help support our project through prayer or through finances, we would be so grateful!! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Another area of need that our care project could provide is meeting some needs of the teachers at Huruma. They live more poorly than the students, yet they serve the school at Huruma day in and day out, plus raise their own families.  Depending on how much we are able raise financially, we would love to reach this group of wonderful people as well. 

Thank you for considering supporting the Care Project in Kenya!! I pray we make a big impact!! 

With much love and gratitude,
Andra Good
Leigh's Blankies-Director