Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day 1 and Day 2- Having a beautiful start to our week!!

Day One | Day 2

Good morning from Huruma!
It is a beautiful morning here, we got a bit of rain and it’s nice and cool. We have been so busy since we arrived, I can’t believe how fast the time is going!

We are so thankful for God’s hand of protection over our travels. We arrived in Nairobi safely, all of our luggage was accounted for, and we had no issues coming through customs. But of course the best part was being greeted with hugs and flowers from our dear Huruma family.

Day One:
We got a few short hours of sleep, and woke up early on Tuesday morning and headed to chapel. It’s so fun to start the morning with the kids, singing to the Lord. After chapel we met with Mama to do our orientation and go over the schedule.  Next we headed to the town of Karen to get some of the items we needed for the housing kits that had to be purchased in Kenya. That afternoon some of the team went to Ngong market to get some more supplies. By the end of the day we were all very tired, but it was so nice to finally be here to see all the people we love!

Day Two:
Wednesday morning we had the privilege of preparing breakfast for twelve of last year’s transition students. It was so fun to catch up with them all and hear about how they have been doing. We are so impressed by how much they have matured and grown over the last year. We did devotions together and spent some time thanking the Lord for His faithfulness. We were also able to check in with them and ask them questions about the supplies from their housing kits last year.

They gave us some great feedback, which has been so helpful! One of the issues they had was with the beans we gave them. Propane for their stoves is expensive, and the beans were taking too long to cook and using all their gas. They told us about a grain they have here called green grams, and for the new students we are going to give them lentils and green grams instead of beans. They also helped us learn how to identify the quality of the items we buy so that the supplies will last longer for them. It was so fun to sit down them and hear about what has worked for them over the last year, and what suggestions they had for change.

Wednesday morning for us was Tuesday night in the U.S., so the election was in full swing at home. We were all keeping an eye on the news, and we were laughing because everyone here at Huruma has really gotten into the election. They had the news playing in the dining room and all the kids were watching and cheering and they were very excited about it. It was so funny! It is definitely one of the main conversation topics here right now!

Wednesday afternoon we did a bunch of arts and crafts with the kids and they loved it.  Some of the younger kids colored and did a craft with perler beads. The older kids made bracelets and wire rings and they turned out so well! They were all very excited because we will be able to sell the rings and bracelets they made and the money will go back into supporting Huruma.

Later in the afternoon we got to learn how to make chipati (it’s a flatbread very common in Kenya), which was so much fun! It was a full day, but it was so good!

God is so good to us. He is clearly working here at Huruma, providing for everyone here and guiding Mama. It is such a privilege to be here and see how tender His heart is for Huruma. We are all so excited to see what else He has for us here!

Bwana Asifwe
(Praise the Lord)



  1. Thanks for the blog. Enjoy hearing about your trip. Prayers and Hugs

  2. I am so happy to hear about your progress. Please keep the news and updates coming.
